This is a question I’ve even asked myself time and time again. It’s important to examine ourselves and ask God to search our hearts. The encouraging thing: you are here, which is a great sign, because you care enough to learn!
We have been saved by grace through faith alone, not from our works; it’s God’s gift to us (Eph. 2:8-9). However, faith without works is dead (James 2:26). Although these verses may seem contradictory, they are not. Our works don’t save us, but they are evidence of genuine faith. Genuine faith produces works, which correlates with the command to “work out your salvation” (Phil. 2:12). It’s similar to someone saying they love you. If they have genuine love for you, it will be evident through their actions. A mother loves her child, so she nurtures him. A husband loves his wife, so he is faithful to her, provides for her, and speaks kindly to her. In both scenarios, neither individual is perfect, but their actions will prove whether their words are genuine.
The same is true for faith. Though our works do not and cannot bring salvation, faith and works are inextricable. Just as genuine love is shown through actions, genuine faith is as well. There’s no such thing as discreet faith; our lives will tell on us. Everyone places their faith in something or someone, whether that’s Jesus, Buddha, or themselves. Regardless, their lifestyles will communicate where (or on whom) they place their faith.
Simply believing in God’s existence is NOT genuine faith. Even the demons believe and tremble (James 2:19). For example, I believe Hitler existed; however, I am not a follower of Hitler’s teachings, and I don’t have faith in Hitler’s words or deeds.
I would like you to search your heart regarding the following questions:
Do you have a desire to know God more?
Do you find yourself identifying with Christianity but also opposing the Bible?
Do you experience conviction over sin?
Do you recognize the fruit of the Spirit in your life?
Do you care about God’s direction in your life?
Be honest with yourself as you reflect on these questions.
Consider this for a moment: Paul persecuted Christians severely at first but had a drastic conversion. Eventually, he was beheaded by Nero. Peter was crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to die in the same manner as Jesus. These deaths conveyed their faith in Christ. They had firsthand encounters with Christ and died for their faith in Him. Who would knowingly die for a lie? These individuals would have had to experience Christ in such a powerful, life-changing way that they were willing to suffer and die just to claim Him. There’s no question of their faith in the Lord.
Do we believe in Christ enough to offer our lives? That doesn’t necessarily mean physical death…it could mean choosing obedience even when it’s difficult, sharing your wealth with someone in need, sacrificing your time to help others. Those that know God desire the things of God. That doesn’t mean we won’t struggle with sin or experience temptation (we will likely face it even more!), but there is still a strong yearning to know Christ and to follow His direction. If your boyfriend/girlfriend claimed to love you yet did not enjoy being in your presence or talking to you but made time for other things instead, would you believe him/her? You wouldn’t. Actions speak louder than words, and that is true in our walk with Christ as well.
Many claim to follow the Lord because they want to receive His benefits but are unwilling to take up their cross and follow Him, but that’s what genuine faith is. We are following something at all times, even if it’s our own desires, but what we follow is really where we are placing our faith.
Jesus is not just a free ticket out of Hell, and if you see Him that way, please examine your heart and motives. Heaven will be a place of continuous worship and fellowship with God and His people. Genuine believers anticipate Heaven because they have a deep, sincere love for Christ. Heaven is more than just fire insurance. What are your thoughts toward eternity with Christ?
I have heard many professing Christians claim to love and follow Christ but openly refuse to live by God's Word. If we know about Christ through Scripture but Scripture is rejected, how can anyone claim to follow a God they know nothing about? What teachings of Christ do they follow? How do they identify which teachings are "outdated" and which are still worth following? This often occurs because the Gospel is offensive to many. People want to follow a Jesus that accepts and approves of their sin yet spares them from the consequences of it. This is a false gospel and a lie; do not buy into it. Ensure that you are placing your faith in the true Christ of the Bible, not a false Jesus the world constructed to fit a personal opinion or agenda. Christ isn't to follow us; we are to follow Him.
The path to life is narrow and few find it (Matt. 7:14). Many will claim to serve the Lord but live their lives apart from Him and will spend an eternity away from Him (Matt. 7:21-23). This is not because Christ is malicious; it’s because He is love. Why would He force someone who doesn’t love Him to spend an eternity with
Him? God does not send us to Hell. We choose Hell out of a lack of love for Christ. We don’t deserve Him and can do nothing to save ourselves, so He made a way for us out of love; however, He does not force His way on us. We are responsible for our sin, and we are responsible for the decision to accept or deny Christ.
I do not say this to strike fear in your hearts. I say this out of love to gently warn those who claim to believe but really don’t care to follow. Our works don’t and can’t save us, but if your faith is genuine, your love and life will be too—not perfect, but genuine.
Where are you placing your faith today?
~Ally B.
