I sympathize with much of the Christian community who are navigating today’s society. I, like many of you potentially reading this, have opinions. I have beliefs about how the world should be. I see something is one way and I wish it were different. I see a specific trend in media, the arts, and culture as a whole, and I believe it is negatively impacting our nation. Maybe you feel similar in some ways.
I will preface this article by saying this: I do not believe we need to have a public opinion about everything that is happening in our world. Social media is beneficial for many things, but one thing it has been used for negatively is providing people with the opportunity to have a public opinion on every topic they desire. In addition, it is much easier to communicate your opinion in a way that may come across differently than you had intended. Which is why I am writing this piece with care.
Nonetheless, I believe there are some “battles” that should be picked, which leads me to the question: In a society today that is demanding we respect all beliefs, is it right to do so? The answer is no. Absolutely not.
While it is possible to respect and affirm all individuals (every person has dignity and is made in the image of God), it is wrong to respect and affirm all beliefs, ideologies, or behaviors.
It is not loving to affirm a lie. If someone wants you to affirm something that is not true, it would be wrong for you to affirm the lie.
Affirming a lie can ultimately be harmful, as it can contribute to deception, confusion, and the distortion of reality. True love seeks to guide others towards what is true, good, and ultimately beneficial for their well-being and growth.
This can be applied in multiple areas:
Patrick Mahomes thinks he’s the worst QB to ever play in the NFL
Usain Bolt says he is not an Olympic Gold Medalist
Your friend says 2+2 does not equal 4
A young teenager feels their life is worthless
A man feels they are a woman
If Patrick Mahomes came to me and said that he objectively was the worst quarterback to ever play the game, I would laugh. I’d point him to all of the records he has broken, his 2 Super Bowl MVPs, and his win-loss record. Would I be right to affirm his false belief that he is a terrible QB? Would I be helping him or hurting him?
If a teenage girl came to me and told me that their life was worthless and meaningless, would I be right to affirm their belief? Or would it be more loving for me to point them to all the ways their life does have inherent value and to the people in their life that love them?
If a biological man falsely believes that they are a woman, when science explicitly states otherwise, is it more loving for me to affirm the lie or gently guide them to the truth of who they are and the value that they bring this world as a man?
In all these cases it is hurtful to the individual to affirm what is not true. Instead, it is right and loving to point them towards the truth about themselves. Must this be done in a tactful and respectful way? Absolutely. However, this is not hate, although some may label it so.
B. Some ideas, beliefs, and practices hurt humanity.
Not every idea, ideology, or social movement is beneficial to society. It is true to say that some are better than others.
Here are some examples:
Hitler’s approach and belief in Nazi Germany resulted in the genocide of millions, yet many in the party fought to the death over their belief in what they were doing. Looking back, we have hindsight to clearly and obviously say that Hitler was an evil human being who’s ideas and movement needed to be stopped. His ideology hurt humanity.
Jim Crow laws were harmful to society. Segregation marginalized the black community and caused unnecessary anger and division based on skin color.
Critical Race Theory is harmful to America. An idea that, although some disagree, is ultimately built on the idea that if you are white then you are a part of the problem in this country. This, again, unnecessarily divides people based on skin color and causes division.
Abortion scientifically kills a human life and harms the mother. Biological studies have concluded that life begins at conception. Therefore, abortion kills an innocent human life.
We should not affirm every belief or ideology in the name of tolerance. In fact, there are some things that should not be tolerated. Should Nazism or Jim Crow laws have been allowed and celebrated in the name of inclusivity and acceptance? Some ideas and movements are evil, and the most loving thing we can do is to push back on them for the betterment of society.
This is the argument that people must see. Pro-life individuals view abortion as a human rights issue, just as slavery is. Critics of CRT view it as a racism issue, just as Jim Crow Laws were. Those who oppose the transgenderism movement view it as an identity issue, just as someone who is wrestling with their self-worth.
Those in opposition of these movements are not hateful, oppressive people as a collective whole. Instead, they view it as something that is harmful to society and believe the loving thing to do is to speak out against it, which leads to the last point.
C. It is important that people stand up for what is objectively true.
Non-believers should not be expected to live like believers, however, we can expect professing Christians to live like Christians. We should not be surprised to see the rise of moral relativism, counter-biblical movements, and harmful ideologies spreading across our culture. Nonetheless, it’s up to Christians to protect one another, our children, and our pulpits from the deception that is occurring. Jesus said that He is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6), which means that truth is a person. It is because of who He is that we can look at the world and decipher what is objectively good and evil.
Parents and churches, we must do a better job of teaching our youth about the truth of Scripture and helping them process what they are seeing on social media, on television, and at school. If you aren’t actively discipling them, you best be sure that the culture will.
That is why Spark Youth USA exists; to enthusiastically teach the next generation about God and His Word, and to come alongside churches, parents, and other organizations to help raise up the next generation in biblical literacy and understanding.
- Cameron F.
