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Writer's pictureAllyson Boland

Is Truth Relative?

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

At the root of every significant argument or concern, what is the question? Ponder this for a


Really, the question everyone tries to answer is this: What is truth?

As believers, we wholeheartedly believe Jesus’ words in John 14:6: “I am the Way, the Truth,

and the Life.” But…what if that’s just “our truth”?

We live in a culture that chants the “live your truth” motto, but realistically, if everyone has their own truth, does truth exist at all?

Let’s break it down…

There are two common beliefs about truth: absolute truth and “relative truth.”

In regard to relative truth, I could say, “cookies and cream ice cream is the best,” while you say, “chocolate ice cream is the best.” These truths are relative because they can contradict each other, but still could be true because they are individualized.

Yet, a better way to describe this to avoid confusion is to simply call it what it is: Someone’s opinion. I like X more than I like Y. Ultimately, this is just your preference, and there is nothing wrong with that.

However, this relativistic mindset that someone’s opinions and preferences are their standard for morality leads to relativism, which states that there are no absolute truths, and all truth is relative. (P.S. Notice how relativists make that claim as if it were “absolutely true”? Is “All truth is relative” an absolute statement? Hmm..)

Truth is absolute, and for morality to exist, it must come from outside of one’s self. If a Big Bang with no intelligent designer created the universe, there would be no standard for morality. It would simply be about survival and getting your genes passed down to the next generation. Think of Hitler, Stalin, or Lenin. In a relativistic world, who are we to say what they did was wrong? Maybe they were living out their truth!

Truth must be the same for you and for me, and truth does not change based on our beliefs or opinions. They are fixed truths for everyone. For example, is it possible for the universe to be non-intelligently designed for you and intelligently designed for me? In court, if a victim accuses the offender of a crime but he denies it, can both be true?

No, absolute truth requires only one response or event for all people. You see, if we solely lived by the “live your truth” concept, we would constantly be contradicting ourselves and would get frustrated with the system. As humans, we operate by absolute truth. We live as if the sun will absolutely rise in the morning and set in the evening. We live as if it’s absolutely true that we need food and water to survive.

Does this prove Christianity to be true? No, but it does prove that there is one absolute truth, which means only one belief can be correct.

So, how do you figure out what is true? You study! You gather all the evidence you can,

examine it, and make your case. As a believer, I encourage you to study it all—science, history, math, other religions. Approach the truth as unbiasedly as you can. The evidence for

Christianity is overwhelming, and I have no fear that genuine, unbiased research will lead you

to the Cross. We all have faith in something…whether it be man’s opinion, ourselves, God, or

another deity.

However, the important question to ask is this: do you have the evidence to

support your case as truth? Friend, there is too much at stake to simply believe your 8th grade science textbook or Bill Nye the Science Guy. Go search for the evidence! In Him, there is Truth, and it will be your most incredible, life-changing discovery!

~Ally Boland

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